

The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

Why do you want to live hundred plus years. This is the question which will give you the reasons of life. The purpose of life is called Ikigai. The purpose of life is necessary to live long. Most of people do not work after retirement. Because they have no ikigai. Think if you have not reasons to wake up early in the morning when you are young, Why will you wake up when you will in the age of 70. Ikigai may be a small task or big one. This may be your profession, passion, mission or vocation.

You have to explore your Ikigai. You may have more than one Ikigai. And you may change your Ikigai with time. Okinawans say that stop eating when you feel your belly is full. Build a strong social network i.e share your happiness and sadness with others. In this way they feel more secure. Take exercise daily. Live with active mind. Put yourself in challenging situation to stay active. Avoid stress to live long. Live in here and now and focus on your response.  Find flow in every thing. Do not find beauty in perfection. It may be in imperfection. This moment will never come back. Do not take sugar in your diet and take small quantity of salt. Avoid fast food. These are the some healthy tips given in this book but the most important is Ikigai.

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